A case to not align on strategy

Does low tenure make strategy & values alignment work pointless?

Brad Dunn
4 min readAug 23, 2023


Lately I keep wondering how strange it is that people who run companies religiously try and get alignment on things like values and strategy from their entire (smallish) organisation, when the average tenure of employment (in technology) seems so low.

If, as management wisdom says, in order to succeed, you are best served having everyone contribute and co-create a corporate strategy, or corporate values, within reason obviously, only to have those same contributors leave by Christmas to be replaced by another cohort with entirely different views on where you should go and the values you should embrace — this feels like a recipe to wed organisations to the wishes of vanished souls. Then, ironically, because of the incongruence between new peoples preexisting ideas and the now outdated vision, postered on the walls, the only answer is to again, surprise surprise, revisit the strategy with today’s bright minds.

I‘ve started to contemplate, maybe its okay to bind those who work at a company to a more prescriptive strategy (with less alignment) in conditions where tenure is low; but herein lies the rub. When tenure is low, it may be indicative that your strategy isn’t really working anyway, or your values, behaviours; your general…



Brad Dunn

Product Management Executive 🖥 Writer 📚 Tea nerd 🍵 Machine Learning Enthusiast 🤖 Physics & Psychology student @ Swinburne